Client Testimonial: Michelle Nguyen at Emmi's Closet

Introduction I met Michelle from Emmi’s Closet (Website | Instagram) through SCORE’s mentoring program. We’ve had numerous sessions since May of 2022. I’m absolutely proud of Michelle’s progress to date. She’s crushing in having won numerous business grants and gained acceptance into top accelerator programs. Please join me celebrating her success and support her eco-friendly fashion enterprise! What was the most frustrating part of running your business before mentoring with Kenneth?...

ChatGPT: How to Launch a Mobile Pet 🐩 Salon Website in 9 Minutes

🦧 New Beginning on April 1 Created in Leonardo.Ai As we enter April, the sun is shining and spring is in the air. It’s the perfect time to launch a new business venture, such as a mobile pet salon. In this blog post, we’ll cover ChatGPT prompts that help you launch your business with confidence. 📬 Domain Name Get ready to choose the purrfect domain name for your pet salon!...